
What Is eCommerce CTA And Why Is It Important?


The overall goal of any eCommerce business is to generate and convert leads. Over the years, it has become increasingly harder for many retailers to convert site visitors into customers, as the data shows that the average eCommerce conversion rate is 2.4%. 

So how can you grab the attention of your site visitors and motivate them to take real steps toward becoming a customer? The answer is in your eCommerce call to action (CTA).

In this guide, you will learn the following:

  • What eCommerce CTA is

  • eCommerce CTA examples

  • eCommerce CTA best practices

What is an eCommerce Call to Action?

It is a ubiquitous term, but what does eCommerce call to action actually mean? 

It is an appeal to customers to take some specified action. It's either a direct link to a sales component or simply moving the site visitor further along the desired customer journey to becoming a customer.

When visitors land on your website, you likely want them to have a pleasant experience and take the desired action before they exit your site. The action could be to sign up for a newsletter, get a demo, learn more, share on social media, etc. 

For eCommerce, a CTA may be an invitation to add to cart, buy now, checkout, add to wishlist, and more.

eCommerce CTA examples

If a CTA is a finishing touch on any type of content, you want to know how best to take advantage of it for your eCommerce goals. 

Keep in mind that eCommerce CTAs are different from CTAs for other types of businesses in that they're more commercially focused. Here are some CTA examples you can use for your website today.

1. Order now

One of the most popular CTAs that both informs and motivates. It tells users exactly what to do while providing a sense of urgency with the word “now.”

2. Claim my exclusive offer

An appealing CTA that indicates that they offer is personalized. It makes shoppers feel special, thus encouraging a purchase.

3. Make them smile

This CTA targets people looking to make their loved ones smile. It is an emotional appeal that pulls users to take the desired action in the interest of the happiness of their loved ones.

4. Get limited time offer

It sends a message that product pricing is a good deal but creates a sense of urgency to get visitors to act fast since the offer is only for a period.

5. Buy now and enjoy (insert benefits)

This CTA is a combination of clarity, urgency, and reason. It tells users what to do, when to do it, and why exactly they should do it.

6. Claim free shipping now

Visitors like the idea of free shipping and are more likely to quickly grab the offer. The word now creates a sense of urgency.

7. Treat yourself today

The CTA assumes that site visitors have gone through a lot of stress, and making a purchase is a good way to unwind and reward themselves.

8. Get (percentage) off today

This CTA highlights what users should do, promising an unbeatable price discount. It also indicates that the discount might not be available the next day.

9. Shop the collection

Many visitors struggle with figuring out what they need for a specific purpose. This CTA indicates that you have done the work of assembling everything they need for that purpose.

10. Save big

For most customers, the discount is as important as the product itself. This CTA creates a sense of achievement that a discount has been found.

11. Complete my purchase

Users don't want to feel overwhelmed when shopping. This CTA shows that this is the final step in the buying process. The word “my” makes the offer more personal.

eCommerce CTA best practices

eCommerce CTA techniques have evolved in recent years, creating a need for retailers to stay abreast of best practices for higher click-through rates. Here are the top current eCommerce CTA best practices:

1. Phrase CTA

If you're looking to string a few words to create a compelling CTA, here are some things you can do.

  • Clearly define the action you want users to take.

  • Use practical language that your audience can relate to. Always write like you or your audience would speak.

  • Use strong command verbs like order, claim, grab, etc., to make the CTA punchy and authoritative.

  • Combine popular sales buzzwords like free, discount, offer and guarantee with action-oriented words like click, send, request, buy, claim, etc., for stronger impact.

  •  Create a sense of urgency by using words like now, limited, etc., to trigger FOMO.

  • Be concise as possible. The fewer the words the better.

  • Use first person pronouns to personalize the CTA.

2. Button CTA

Here are some ways to improve your button CTA and boost your click-through rate:

  • Design your CTA button to look clickable.

  • Try out different colors for the button until you discover the winning shade with the highest conversion.

  • Ensure you have good contrast between the button and the text in the button.

  • Experiment with button size, font size, and font type.

  • Modify the design button to include an image of the product about to be purchased.

  • Reduce the number of elements around the button CTA to allow for more white space so the CTA can stand out.

3. Banner CTA

Here are some of the best practices for banner CTAs that deliver high conversions:

  •  Choose the most successful banner sizes such as 300x250px medium rectangle, 320x50px mobile leaderboard, 728x90px leaderboard etc.

  • Make your banner stand out by using a solid, contrasting color.

  •  Use relevant and attractive images - but only when you need them.

  • Keep the banner design simple, so visitors don't have to strain to read the banner.

  • Animated banners often outperform static banners. Use them but make sure they don't distract from the message.

  • Make sure something happens when hovering, such as a different color or a movement.

4. Pop-up CTA

CTA pop-ups can do magic for your business, and below are some of the best practices to know:

  • Move the CTA away from other elements to create adequate white space.

  • Enrich the pop-up with special effects or a visual like an emoji, animation, or graphic.

  • Match it with your website's branding and design to create trust and eventually, traction.

  • Alleviate uncertainties to make visitors feel safe at the point of purchase by using words like guaranteed, authentic, money back, no risk, no strings attached, etc.

  • Shoppers are in a hurry, so focus on simplicity by keeping it a single step/click process.

  • Show pop-up at the right time. Timed pop-ups are less annoying as they allow visitors to glean enough information before appearing.

5. Scarcity CTA

Scarcity has become a major technique for eCommerce businesses, and here are some tactics to try:

  • Use big numbers to indicate the number of people interested in the product.

  • Evoke the possibility of selling out by highlighting the number of people on your waiting list.

  • Put a limit on the number of orders you can accept in the CTA text.

  • Leverage exclusivity with CTA phrases like "limited edition" and "while stock lasts."

  • Leverage holidays to target last-minute shoppers and trigger urgency before it's too late.

6. Social proof CTA

This type of CTA aims to use credibility to improve conversions. Here are some tips:

  • Display testimonials from customers to show they're happy with your product.

  • Provide reviews of previous customers satisfied with their purchase.

  • Showcase tweets, Facebook posts, and Instagram comments saying positive things about your brand.

  • Numbers are worth a thousand words. Provide huge figures of sales or customers served.


With your target audience more knowledgeable than ever, you need a clear, compelling call to action to transform your business and push them to take action.

The tips above will captivate your audience, convince them and increase your conversions, so try them out on your eCommerce website or social media pages and watch your sales shoot through the roof. 

If you need help creating your dream eCommerce site, contact us online to book a call with our expert today. If you are ready to create your eCommerce site with our easy-to-use no-code CMS, start your free 14-day trial now.

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