
How Many Clicks Do I Need to Purchase on Your E-Commerce?

How Many Clicks Do I Need to Purchase on Your E-Commerce?

Every year, the interactions with our digital devices are changing and evolving. It becomes easier and faster to interact with technology, whether we’re talking about signing up for a website or app instantly with our Facebook account or making a 1-click purchase. The simplification of user experience keeps the evolution of tech-driven experience consistent.

E-commerce retailers understand how “quick and easy” is essential to their digital customer experience, but unfortunately, not many get it right. E-commerce is filled with negative user experiences where users have to go in circles to find what they need. The less users have to do, the happier they will be, and they are more likely to return to that experience. That’s why we aim to reduce clicks in every part of the online shopping experience – from sign up to check out.

1. Allow Shoppers to Get to Products in Two Clicks

If shoppers need to browse through a dozen categories and subcategories to find products, many of them will decide to give up on buying from you. Present your products as soon as visitors reach the second level of your product category tree. Allow the shopper to refine their search results and pick items quickly by presenting lower level categories from multiple subcategories. That way, they can find a product in no more than two clicks.

2. Accessing Major Features in One Click

Typically, major features of an e-commerce site include the catalog, coupons, shopping cart, and previous purchases. Make these accessible at all times via the website header so shoppers can always get to them in just one click.

3. Remove Distractions

Another tactic to reduce the number of clicks is by removing distractions from your checkout page (also known as enclosing the checkout). Unlike other pages, where shoppers can see the search box, navigation bar, header, footer, and other elements, your checkout page shouldn’t be cluttered with these elements that can get shoppers to click away.

4. Add-to-Cart Convenience

There are quite a few ways to reduce the number of clicks and boost online sales. But what if shoppers could put unlimited items in the basket with just one click, and then choose the product attributes? DG1 is the only platform that allows this kind of checkout process. For example, you are shopping for T-shirts and have sent five different T-shirts to your shopping cart. After you’ve finished, you go to your cart and then choose the quantity, size, and color of your T-shirts (inside the checkout process).

5. Keep the Shoppers Moving Forward

When in a physical store, shoppers move forward through different aisles and rarely need to go back to find products. The online buying experience should try to mimic that, meaning that your e-commerce user experience should avoid the need for a back button (whenever possible). Place a link at the bottom of each product section of your catalog to provide 1-click access to the next product section. That would reduce the number of clicks required to browse the entire catalog, save lots of time, and keep the shopper moving forward.

Fewer steps to checkout mean fewer clicks. Simplify your website’s checkout flow as much as possible. Given the complexity of the e-commerce industry, specials, assortment, etc. – simplifying the digital buying experience is a challenge. However, with the right e-commerce platform, you can set up an online store that will meet the high expectations of today’s shoppers.

DG1 is there to help you follow the reduce clicks strategy and provide the best experience that your buyers will expect and love. An all-in-one digital solution for e-commerce, as well as booking, marketing, mobile app, and website. Find out how DG1 works and get started today.

Tags: user experience, quick and easy, remove distractions, keep the shoppers moving

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