AI spletno in e-trgovinsko orodje: Nič več stroškov spletnih agencij!
Preizkušajte DG1 brezplačno 14 dni, kreditna kartica ni potrebnaPovečajte svojo prodajo s tehnologijo DG1!
Popolnoma integrirana spletna trgovina s široko izbiro promocijskih orodij, patentirano tehnologijo Flip-Commerce©, ki dokazano povečuje prodajo, sistemom dodajanja v košarico z enim klikom in številnimi drugimi praktičnimi funkcijami.
Zbirajte informacije s prilagojenimi obrazci in izboljšajte svoje znanje o potencialnih kupcih. Pravim stikom ob pravem času pošljite pravo kampanjo prek pravega komunikacijskega kanala.
Spletno stran
Enostavno upravljajte hitro in zanesljivo spletno mesto, ki se lepo prikazuje v vseh napravah. Izberite pravo temo, ki je že v celoti pripravljena na vaše potrebe. Pripravite vsebino in si zagotovite spletno prisotnost, ki deluje kadar koli in kjer koli.
Strankam omogočite, da v nekaj sekundah načrtujejo, rezervirajo ali naročijo karkoli. Ustvarite izdelke, ki jih je mogoče rezervirati, in enostavno dodelite osebje.
Mobilna aplikacija
Objavite svojo mobilno aplikacijo na tržnici za operacijski sistem Android naravnost iz platforme DG1. Uporabnikom zagotovite izkušnjo, ki je prilagojena njihovi vrsti naprave.
Masovni podatki
(Big Data)
Ustvarite svoje podatke na podlagi spletnega poslovanja za ustrezno analizo vaše konkurenčne prednosti. Pridobite pregled nad celotnim digitalnim poslovanjem prek ene same nadzorne plošče.
Lokalizirajte vsebino svojega spletnega mesta neposredno v našem sistemu CMS s pomočjo našega samodejnega prevajalnika, ki ga poganja DeepL.
Video vodnikiMnenja uporabnikov
Stranke o nas
DG1 website is very interactive, it parks everything in one place including photos, YouTube videos, and my portfolio. I can launch my movies and songs on my own website. With DG1 platorm I can expand my business easily.
When I become famous, I’ve been approached by hundreds of marketing reality proposing to manage my e-business. After several failures, we chose DG1, a software company. Why? Because popularity helps, but to get results online, you need proper tools and proper support. That is what we got with DG1.
I found the onboarding process for DG1 platform is great and easy compared to other platforms. I also found that platform enable communication between the market and the brand. Big-Data based personalization of experience for end users is the key and DG1 is definitely a next generation of web tool that will support my online activities in efficient way.
I have been working with DG1 for several weeks now on the launch of my new and improved personal website. DG1 is a new standard go-to for online. It has so many features compare to other platforms. I love the interface because it's so easy to use for someone like me to edit a website during my own time. I have multiple businesses that I can scale both regionally and globally through a single platform. So, instead of promoting or selling my products on someone else’s market space, I can now promote or sell my products on my own website which also give me the data I need to get to my audiences and customers better.
DG1 is an organized, systematic, and easy-to-navigate platform that makes it easier for people to search for and find information about me. It allows for the possibility of going worldwide. I find it is more efficient to have a platform where I can share all information about me or latest updates on my personal website.
DG1 platform is efficient, pretty simple and quite direct platform. It provides everything brand need to grow and expand the online business. Integration of social media and my own database of fans opens new possibilities and with DG1 I can achieve much more then with any other system.
DG1 is world-class and meeting global standards, and they are exceeding my expectations. DG1 team is efficient and responsive, and the package is complete and affordable.
DG1 is a more proper platform where all the information is packed, and customers can find my products easily. They can also learn about the products immediately from the website. I would recommend this platform to all Small and Medium Enterprises and founders in Malaysia and around the globe.
DG1 has proven to be a luxury in terms of time management for me. DG1 all-in-one platform consolidates all my needs and has resulted in significant time savings. The ease of navigation and connection to my community for my luxury fashion brand is an added bonus.
The portal is our contribution, the Italian contribution to the W20, the world event of discussion involving significant women associations. A unique environment to connect all women interested in supporting our society. DG1 has proved to be a reliable partner, focused on helping us reach our goals.
Today, a supermodel needs a super system online. Thanks to DG1, my communication is more personalized and tailored to my audience. With E-Business, I can grow my database and interact with my followers. I’m every day impressed with the new DG1 features and excellent support team. To move away from five suppliers and start with DG1 has been one of the best choices of my career.
Začnite BREZPLAČNO in začnite povečevati obseg svojega poslovanja že ZDAJ
- Ekipa za uspeh strank
- Ekipa za podporo
- Predpripravljene teme
- Podpora za nove uporabnike
- Brez pogodb
- BREZPLAČNE bodoče posodobitve
- Video vodniki in podpora za uporabo
- Brez stroškov odpovedi
- Center za pomoč uporabnikom 24 ur na dan, 7 dni v tednu